Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ready for Baby

Well, the blanket's ready at least.  The pattern is from Lion Brand Yarn, and the yarn is from Ram's Wool in Winnipeg.  Several people have asked me what I have left to do/prepare before baby arrives and the list is rather short.  Baby's going to be sleeping in the playpen/bassinet in our room for the first few months, so there's no crib to set up.  And since Luke is staying in his room a while longer the pressure's off to finish his bedroom in the basement (sorry visitors...your guest room will still not have flooring!). 

So we're sitting at 34 weeks this week (out of 40), a doctor's appointment every week from here on in, a baby blanket to put on the car seat to bring baby home in, and...I bought a tiny outfit a couple years ago when we first started trying to get pregnant with baby #2, so we even have a leaving the hospital outfit that (I hope) is gender neutral.  Derek thinks maybe it's a little masculine.  I just love it too much to not put my baby in it - boy or girl.  Pictures of that later.

Now for a name....

1 comment:

  1. The blanket is beautiful! 34 weeks, I can't believe how the time has flown. Wow. Hope you are feeling good and glad that your to-do list is short.

    Hmmm...for a name. Well, I'll tell you my favourites

    Girl - Lucy, Georgia or Jorga, Maya or Maia
    Boy - (you already picked Luke!) Simon, James, Allister, Jude
